acid factory

«  Where some see madness, we see genius »


The brand was born from the alliance between our design expertise
and our passion for alternative cultures.

Our mission is to create objects and furniture that allow you to create a cocoon that reflects your personality and reveals your uniqueness and/or your affiliation with a movement


ACID is the acronym for A Cocoon Into Darkness

Factory because we create and self-publish all our products.


Careful choice of our partners with fair remuneration and ethical working conditions. This not possible for all our products but We try as much as possible to work with French companies. We always specify the origin of our products.

Social and environmental approach:

Nous travaillons le plus possible avec des matériaux recyclables et /ou recyclés pour nos produits et leur packaging. We have also set up sharing products that allow us to make donations to associations that have social and environmental initiatives.

Voir dans le descriptif des produits, les associations choisies.