General Terms of Use of the Website
Article 1 : Objet
These General Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") legally govern the use of the services provided on the website (hereinafter referred to as "the website"). As a contract between Acid Factory company and the User, accessing the website requires prior acceptance of these Terms. Accessing this platform implies acceptance of these Terms.
Article 2 : Mentions légales
The website acidfactory-design is published by Acid Factory company, registered under the RCS number 904 046 760, with its headquarters located at 914 Route de Pegomas, Le Parc de Gaïa D 06370 Mouans-Sartoux, Metropolitan France. The hosting provider for the website is OVH, located at 2 Rue Kellerman, 59100 Roubaix, France.
Article 3 : Accès au site
The acidfactory-design website allows free access to the following services: Vente d’objets de décoration et mobilier The website is accessible for free from anywhere by any user with internet access. All costs associated with accessing the services (computer equipment, internet connection, etc.) are the responsibility of the user. Access to member-specific services requires the use of an identifier and a password. The publisher may interrupt or suspend access to the website without notice or justification for maintenance or other reasons.
Article 4 : Collecte des données
Pour la création du compte de l’Utilisateur, la collecte des informations au moment de l’inscription sur le site est nécessaire et obligatoire. Conformément à la loi n°78-17 du 6 janvier relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, la collecte et le traitement d’informations personnelles s’effectuent dans le respect de la vie privée. Suivant la loi Informatique et Libertés en date du 6 janvier 1978, articles 39 et 40, l’Utilisateur dispose du droit d’accéder, de rectifier, de supprimer et d’opposer ses données personnelles. L’exercice de ce droit s’effectue par : – Le formulaire de contact ; – Son espace client.
Article 5 : Propriété intellectuelle Les marques, logos ainsi que les contenus du site acidfactiry-design (illustrations graphiques, textes…) sont protégés par le Code de la propriété intellectuelle et par le droit d’auteur. La reproduction et la copie des contenus par l’Utilisateur requièrent une autorisation préalable du site. Dans ce cas, toute utilisation à des usages commerciaux ou à des fins publicitaires est proscrite.
Article 6 : Responsabilité Although the information published on the website is deemed reliable, the website reserves the right to disclaim any guarantee of the reliability of the sources. The information provided on the acidfactory-design website is purely for informational purposes and has no contractual value. Despite regular updates, the website cannot be held responsible for any changes in administrative and legal provisions that may occur after publication. The website also disclaims any responsibility regarding potential viruses that may infect the User's computer equipment after using or accessing the website. The website cannot be held liable for force majeure events or unforeseeable and insurmountable acts of third parties. The website does not guarantee the complete security and confidentiality of data. However, the website commits to implementing all necessary methods to ensure the best possible security and confidentiality.
Article 7 : Liens hypertextes
The website may contain hypertext links. By clicking on these links, the User will exit the platform. The website has no control over and cannot be held responsible for the content of web pages related to these links.
Article 8 : Cookies
During visits to the website, the automatic installation of a cookie on the User's browsing software may occur. Cookies are small files temporarily stored on the User's hard drive. These cookies are necessary to ensure accessibility and navigation on the website. These files do not contain personal information and cannot be used to identify a person. The information present in the cookies is used to improve navigation performance on By browsing the website, the User accepts the use of cookies. Disabling cookies can be done through the settings of the browsing software.
Article 9 : Publication par l’Utilisateur
The acidfactory-design website may allow members to publish comments. In their publications, members are required to respect the rules of Netiquette and current laws. The website has the right to exercise prior moderation on publications and may refuse to publish them without providing justification. The member retains all of their intellectual property rights. However, any publication on the website implies the non-exclusive and free delegation of the right to the publishing company to represent, reproduce, modify, adapt, distribute, and broadcast the publication anywhere and on any medium for the duration of intellectual property rights. This can be done directly or through an authorized third party. This includes the right to use the publication on the web and mobile telephony networks. The publisher commits to mentioning the name of the member next to the publication on each use. The User is responsible for any content they upload. The User agrees not to publish content that may harm the interests of third parties. Any legal proceedings initiated by an aggrieved third party against the website must be borne by the User. The website may delete or modify User content at any time, for any reason, and without notice.
Article 11 : Durée du contrat
This contract is valid indefinitely. The commencement of using the website's services signifies the application of the contract to the User.
Article 12 : Droit applicable et juridiction compétente
Le présent contrat est soumis à la législation française. L’absence de résolution à l’amiable des cas de litige entre les parties implique le recours aux tribunaux français compétents pour régler le contentieux.